Democracy Has Prevailed.

August 28, 2017

Heard on HBO Last Night

There was a line spoken last night on HBO that got my attention. It was something about how if enough people lie often enough then "the truth" doesn't matter anymore. Jon Snow said it when he was being chided for not lying to Cersei Lannister.

It's been stuck in my ear ever since and I'm not the only one who heard it.

The Mooch even tweeted it!
Tell me he (either the once and future King of the North or the always nauseating Tony Mooch) wasn't talking about Donald J Trump and his enablers in the GOP.

Well maybe not - I might just be connecting un-connected dots.

1 comment:

Ed Heath said...

The Mooch somewhat seemed to redeem himself after being booted out (that is what I vaguely remember, but I don't remember how). But yeah, that part of GOT does seem squarely aimed at our current political situation. Problem is, Trump's supporters don't see lies, they see truths the liberals themselves are lying about.